Hauptstrasse 33 , Dresden
Unfortunately, you can't eat inside at the moment and the ice cream ? isn't exactly cheap either.
Sebnitzer Str. 11 , Dresden
Small but / and fine day menu. With a lot of effort, they conjure up regional ingredients. Vegetarian and meaty cravings
Zschonergrundstr. 4 , Dresden
Wir besuchten Merlins Wunderland schon mehrmals zu verschiedenen Shows. Die Abende sind sehr kurzweilig, an den großen
Bergstr. 68 , Dresden
In terms of taste, the kebab got 3.5 stars, Dresden has better ones Price / performance is currently getting worse Impl
Bischofsweg 15 , Dresden
Pho was very good. Bartender likes to "accidentally" make strong drinks. ??
Really friendly and te tee is delicious (: